Home Safety Checks Replacing and Maintaining Your Smoke Alarms


Replacing and Maintaining Your Smoke Alarms

Smoke alarms are used to detect and warn you of the threat of a fire in your home.

It’s important to always check that the smoke alarms in your home are in good working condition. This makes all the difference between living in a safe home and a home that’s in danger. Here are 4 ways to check if your smoke alarms need to be replaced.

Smoke alarms are used to detect and warn you of the threat of a fire in your home.

If it’s been 10 years since the manufacturing date, it’s time to change your smoke alarms entirely.

Check the batteries

If you hear your smoke alarms make a regular beeping sound, that means the batteries need to be changed. It’s best to put new batteries in all your smoke alarms at the same time so that they’ll all need to be replaced at the same time too. You also won’t have to waste time identifying which smoke alarm is making the noise.

Check the manufacturing date

Whether when you first got your smoke alarms or right now, it’s important to take note of their manufacturing date. That’s usually found on the back of the device. If it’s been 10 years since the manufacturing date, it’s time to change your smoke alarms entirely. You need to take note of this because unlike when batteries need to be changed, there is no auditory alert for when smoke alarms need replacing. If you don’t need to change your smoke alarms just yet, immediately make note of the date you need to change them on. And make sure you will be reminded of that note a few days before the actual date.

Check your manufacturer’s manual

For more information, check the user’s manual that came with your smoke alarms. If you couldn’t find the manufacturing date at the back, you’ll find it on the manual along with other instructions on how to replace them and other best practice ways to make sure they are maintained properly.

Check the smoke alarm itself

Finally, check that your smoke alarm has no faulty wiring by finding and pressing the test button on the front or side. Hold it for a few seconds and the alarm should sound. If it doesn’t call Beta Electrical Solutions right away to have it inspected.

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